Saturday, September 5, 2009

Day 12: Sniff

Hold it! Don't call the troops yet. I have managed to untangle myself. Many thanks to my wonderful neighbor who offered to come visit the hospital with PLENTY of wine to be put right into my IV bag. Thanks goes also to my father-in-law who has informed me that one traffic ticket is NOTHING, he has over 200. Such over-achievers in my family...

Speaking of over-achievers, I was not one until I turned 13. By the time I finished elementary school, I had been to 6 different schools in 3 different countries. It is safe to assume that I was confused. However, my mother was not one to be distracted by confusion. She made me take half a dozen entrance exams for private middle schools. Given that I barely understood what language the exams were given in, and that I was an extremely laid back kid, it is only reasonable to expect that I flunked them all.
The last one I flunked, my mom got mad at my apparent nonchalance. I guess that's what moms are for. From age 13 to the present 21+, I have been an uber-over-achiever. But, I lay my sword down. Life is too short and sweet to overdo things. As my poetic friend writes, some of us have "wasted our best years working like hell, riding on the career highway without taking the time to look at the landscape along the way." Now, I feel like sniffing the roses while Charlie sniffs at something less agreeable.

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