Saturday, October 31, 2009

Day 66: Halloween

Halloween in the Bay Area is a little strange. Today boats are sailing in the bay. I find myself in my backyard in my sleeveless shirt having brunch with some friends, while basking in the warm sun. Tonight, the air is still a little warm. Mind you, I am not complaining. It sure beats trick-or-treating while worrying about frost bites.

Mercy did not persevere in the household. This afternoon, I find a mini pumpkin firmly gripped in the jaws of the giant one, while the remaining mini looks on in horror. It is Halloween after all.

With teenagers, there seems to be a 2 year period where they are too big to trick-or-treat. Then, the revert to dressing up and hanging out again. Aya, who is in the 2-year period, agrees to chaperone her younger siblings in their outfits in return for "community service" hours. She takes her pillow case, just in case. Julien, on the other hand, is beyond that, and has gone to "hang out" with his friends in the dark.

Back at home, high up on the hill, where no kids venture for candy, my husband and I sip our cups of tea, and remember the days when we frantically kept head count of our kids on Halloween.

The two pre-teens and Aya call for a ride back up the hill. As I pull into the store parking lot, I see a vampire, a wolf and a teenager checking out their loot on the sidewalk. Turns out Aya made the vampire and wolf say their little sister was at home sick so that people would give extra candy. Cunning.

1 comment:

  1. Haa!Mommy we did that not so we would get candy, aya forced us to because we had to pay her with candy
