Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Day 56: Side effect

I find it easy to ask people for help on others' behalf, but quite hard for myself. Is this universal? Is it because it makes me feel like a good person to ask for others, but it makes me feel selfish when I ask for myself? Someone tells me that humans are the only animals that make things so complex, but I am not so sure of this. Charlie, who is a dog, often sulks and stays away even when he wants a hug.

On a separate topic, I have gained 5 lbs in 56 days. I have analyzed the situation carefully. There are two reasons for this weight gain. The first is that I am not stressed. Stress drains me of appetite, while the lack thereof enhances my desire for food. The second is that I don't move around as much on my feet as I used to, despite covering so much ground compared to before. This afternoon, I walk an hour and a half with friends to remedy the latter issue. It probably does not help that I lunched with another set of friends before. I decide that the lack of stress is a good thing, and I will just have to exercise more.

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