Friday, January 1, 2010

Day 129: 01/01/10

Happy New Year! I have been waiting for 2010 to arrive. As we enter the new year, Maxime and I are frantically trying to complete a jigsaw puzzle. It is a race against time, the goal being to complete before the end of 2009. We finish it 10 minutes into 2010. As the kids toast with apple cider, Maxime tells me it's actually better to have missed the deadline, as we now already have one major accomplishment early on in the year. I high five to that! This is the kind of optimistic thinking that I aspire to in 2010.

At 9 in the morning, I salute the first day of the year again. After 13 very long minutes of meditation, we call family in France and Japan, swim a few laps at the pool and sit down for lunch. New Year's Day in Japan is all about visiting relatives. Here, as we have no relatives, it's a bit of a non-event. We do what we pretty much do any other day, until it's time to head to our neighbors' for the first glass of champagne. We exchange fun information about our adventures from 2009 and toast to our bright future this year. It's a nice mellow start.

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